Artists Council 2024 “Hot Times – Cool Art” Show & Sale
Artists Center at the Galen
72-567 Hwy 111 in Palm Desert, California
September 5 through October 6, 2024
Welcome back, everyone! We are starting the 2024/2025 season with “Hot Times - Cool Art”, asking our members to show us what they created during the hot summer months.
Submit to this show HERE.
Up to 2 artworks per applicant will be accepted into the show; a second piece is optional.
Entry fee for this in-person show: $45 for 1 piece and $45 for the second entry.
Pay with a major credit card via the online application form accessible from the link above.
The show is non-juried, but only the first 100 artworks submitted will be accepted.
Submission Deadline: Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 4 pm.
Drop Off: Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 9 to 11 am, at the Artists Center at the Galen
Show Opens: Thursday, September 5, 2024, 10 am
Opening Reception: Thursday, September 5, 2024, 4 to 6 pm
Show Closes: Sunday, October 6, 2024, 4 pm
Pick Up of Unsold Works: Sunday, October 6, 2024, 2 to 4 pm
You must be a member of the Artists Council to enter. You will be able to join as a member, or renew an expired membership, in the application form (see the link above).
Artwork must be:
Wall-hung work must be no larger than 72” x 48”, and must not be less than 12” high.
Three-dimensional artwork cannot exceed 150 pounds or 72” high by 48” wide by 48” deep and must be delivered ready for display.
Works that do not meet these size requirements may be rejected on intake.
Artwork is limited to 2- and 3-dimensional work in any media. No video work can be accepted at this time.
If AI (Artificial Intelligence) was used in the creation of your artwork, you must indicate it.
Unframed canvas must be gallery wrapped.
Works on canvas or other materials must be finished on the edges.
Make sure your work is clean and wiped down before dropping it off.
You can make changes to your entry up to the submission deadline via your submission confirmation email. However, this option shuts down at the close of the submission period, even if it closes early if we hit the show’s capacity.
Ready for hanging or installation and professionally presented.
Additional Requirements:
Artwork must be wired for hanging. No saw-tooth hangers or ceiling mounts will be accepted.
No fees will be refunded after submission.
Artwork cannot have been on display at the Artists Center in a previous show.
Artwork will hang during the entirety of the show, unless it is sold and the buyer wants to remove it at the time of purchase.
Drop Off:
Artwork must be delivered to the Artists Center at the Galen in Palm Desert by the artist or his/her agent.
Artwork shipped to the Artists Center will not be accepted.
Please do not bring in work that was not submitted online. No substitutions are allowed after entries close.
The Artists Council cannot provide special handling for artwork.
Pricing, Sales, and Pick Up:
The Artists Council reserves the right to refuse any artwork that is not of acceptable quality, does not match the submitted entry image, or does not meet framing or finishing criteria, or any other requirements stated above.
If you have membership or questions about the show, please contact the Artists Council at info@artistscouncil.com. For information about the Artists Council, go to our website at http://www.artistscouncil.com/